3D Engine (DOS)
One of my earliest memories of Blaine was seeing him with pages of print outs of BASIC programming code. I asked what the program was and he told me it was for rendering 3D objects… not something easily, or often, done in the primitive DOS operating system, never mind the BASIC programming language. I was amazed – to this day I still haven’t written any 3D rendering code and it’s been 20 years. Little did I know that 3D rendering would remain a passion of his, as he went on to write several different game engines (usually space MMOs).
At college we studied C and C++ programming together, needless to say he had to write a 3D renderer (with mouse support – another tricky feat in the “DOS days”) in it. The code, and compiled executable, for his 3D renderer is available at the link below – but will require DOS (or DosBox) to run.